Thursday, December 20, 2012

Things are pretty hectic lately. and what I mean by that is, things are flying by, rather quickly.
"Proposal" needing to be finished. *proposal eh? haha*
Immigration needing to be processed.
LK 1 knocking on our door.
Finals here and there.
Allah o___o

well, emotionally, things are finally starting to stabilize here. at least to my knowledge.
physically, I haven't felt this tired in ages.
mentally? BLEARGH D:

just you wait

Thankfully things are almost finished.
God. just that last stretch.
One final sprint.

Can't wait till I get to live normally
Again :D

Sincerest expressions
The Lame Novelist

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

So many shades.
So many right answers to the same question.
So many 'truths' and 'lies'

It all winds up to opinion and view point.
Who am I to say my version of the story is the truth?
Who am I to say yours is?
Even in history, it is merely shaped by the victors
To glorify themselves as the winners, the righteous.

So I shall not stand by and see myself stoop to a level as low as that.
I shall not rectify my story any more than need be.

Let them say what they want.
My life could never be happier.
I have friends which I know I can trust.
Thankfully Allah has given me enough to get by.
A gift from master to slave. Alhamdullillah.
And if by chance this gift of mine is taken back?
Then so be it. It was never mine to begin with.
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji'un

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Truth and Lies.
Really the only difference is perspective.

You could idolize Adolf Hitler
You could despise him to your guts.
Either which way you view it, your belief shapes the truth.

You might perhaps believe him to be a hero in shaping the world as he may see fit.
Others? See him a monster. An abomination. Inhuman.

What I intend to bring up here is the fact that there is a plethora of shades.
Partial truths and lies that shape up the bigger picture.
I guess no one will ever end up with the WHOLE truth.
The victor shapes history as he sees fit.
As an example, those with influence can spread a lie that spreads across like wildfire.
and that is why my friends, we should never speak of something unless it is of something good. if nothing else, just pipe down and read a book.
Keep the negative information to yourself, it just might end up hurting people around you.

I realize it has been ages since I have updated my blog and I must apologize to the VERY FEW constant viewers that I seem to have. Gonna be back to blogging very soon.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

I don't want this.
I made mistakes.
I am human.
I am only wanting,
a second chance

I am a new man here
A new soul
A fresh slate
A blank canvas
A malleable metal

What more.
Can't you judge me for yourself?
What  silliness,
Can't you see beyond the veil?

Truth be told
I have told lies
Is it truthfully told
That my lies were lies?

I will let you all see that I have changed. 
That I have severed the ties with my past.
That I have risen beyond the likes of scum.
That I have seen the error of my ways
That maybe one day I can say one of the hardest words

Sorry for all the things I have done
Sorry for all the hearts I kept
Sorry for all the lies I told
Sorry for who I was
Sorry Ya-Allah

A shoutout
A dedication
A point to change
A promise to myself
Amir Farid Aminuddin

A.F. Aminuddin
-The Lame Novelist

Friday, October 26, 2012


وَاصْبِرُوا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ
And be patient. Surely, Allah is with those who are patient. (8:46)
Take a chill pill bros (and sisters). Allah is always there for us.
do your work slowly but surely.
learn as it comes to you
work towards your goals.
need not fear what comes soon after

Surely enough we will hesitate and panic.

In fact we end up so nervous we end up lost.
I myself am no different,
but at times like this it is good to be reminded :)

Just a poke at myself before I resume my studies ~.~
*finals on monday ngeeeee*
ciao and to my batch here in Indonesia

lets hope we all get through simple and clean :D

Friday, October 19, 2012

and here i see the value of staying steady and to not rush into things.
i see everyone trying waaaay to hard to achieve things in such a short time. i guess looking back, i can laugh and say i can't believe i was like that. here in makassar i am finally starting to change. *for the better thankfully*

Monday, October 1, 2012

It has been a while since i have even set foot on blogger. (by a while i mean ages)
god. times have been a bit busy.
here i am in makassar wishing that everything ends quickly. all my work settling down
and for me? a chance to relax, reflect, and redirect all this pent up frustration.

Anywho, things here are just fine. well essentially. too much drama for my taste.
confrontations here and there

people complaining about work and all that when they dont see that others may have more work.
heh. people and their perception of 'busy' yet,
girlfriends and couples and scandals (what have you) popping up here and there.

i understand such earthly pursuits are fun, but time has definitely showed me the better side of life.
heck i admit, even i am still interested in finding that perfect one. but as i have managed to obtain here...
we start developing ourselves before we go looking for others. are you sure you can handle a woman when you yourself is unaware of your standing with god? (whatever your religion may be i am sure this holds firm)

heh same old amir here, perhaps just shown the right path
people may say i have changed since i have set foot on makassar
perhaps i have
but i would say it is definitely for the better
if you guys arent happy about it, then i hope you will get it as time passes us all.

and a word to those people out there that talk about me behind my back.
i forgive you guys. perhaps you should realize one thing
it's no wonder i tend to put on those earphones and shut myself from this world

at times, ignorance really is bliss

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hello one and all.
As I promised I would find pics and upload em in my blog.
Believe me, finding them from other people was hard :P
*siapa suruh tak ambil gambar banyak2*
Anyways the pics below are somewhat in a chronological order.
emphasizing on the, somewhat

My bros from MCKK.
Syafiq and Hilmi.
Thanks guys for sending me to these barren lands ~.~
A shot by my mom.
Just finished immigration
First hand look at the lecture hall.
Heh, these 3 stooges and me :D
what people here call PT or public transport *pe-te is the pronunciation*
Heh, still can't hope to fight Sunway Pyramid
The rusunawa.
This is where the guys get their rest.
Snappity Snappity
Some quality time with dad? :D
My room *and azam's* you jelly bro :D?
A better look at the room.
say what? queen sized beds?
Finally, sending my parents back to Malaysia.
Love you mom and dad :)

Well there you have it
Pics upon pics upon pics
Nothing much really but i'll try and find more pics
but I don't think I will :3

Till later then
May my time in Makassar be pleasant
And may your time wherever you are be just as good :D

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hey guys :D
well some of you guys might think this blog has died out.
Well it ain't entirely true

I have been busy actually and thus i have very limited time. thus be patient :C
besides I dont have any pics yet ;/
I will be keeping my promise, so no worries there. It's just gonna take a little longer than expected.

Anyways. Things in Makassar are just fine.
I got an awesome roomie, AND he is also from subang, well look at the chances :D
He also has plenty of talents which i was shocked to discover o.o
Don't you ladies want a guy that can bake and cook :D::D:D:D:D:D?

Line up girls. That guy on the left is still single ;)
*Awesome roomie \o/*

Had a bloody fine time eating out with the seniors.
Awesome neighbours
(Well in a sense they are awesome :P they don't disturb my sleeping time ~.~)
(Also kudos to Shahir for taking care of me when I was sick)

Also, we went out to a couple of the shopping complexes here in Makassar.
It ain't no Sunway Pyramid or Pavilion but heck, we are in another man's country, as long as the basics are covered, I ain't got nothing to complain :D
The internet here is also... well lets just say it was expected.
Thus going online frequently is kinda stressful.
Heck, i'll just consider it a good thing.
If the net was blazing fast I might just be burning up my studies as well =.='

AND. I pray that I won't be led astray ~.~
Studying medicine and all.
Guess i gotta change bit by bit and actually manage to study.

Till next time people.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

well it seems that i only have a SHOOOORT gap to write this entry.

everything seems just about fine in UNHAS sooo far.

I'll be uploading pics when I have the time :P
but it is good to know that the seniors are great. *well at least the one's we met*
and the facilities are bloody awesome. though the guys cant cook.
but hey. we have other pro's.

till later people :D

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

my title says it all.
do you know what trust is?

What makes a weak man, weak?
A strong man, strong?
What is the definition of all these things we see in our world?
What makes a man fit to lead?
What makes a man fit to have a family?

What dawns upon yourselves as mature?
Or is it the fact that we show no hatred to this world, and accept it for what it is?
What does it really mean to be mature?

I consider myself a man of 1000 masks.
I don upon one every single time I meet someone new.
I don upon a mask that shifts itself in accordance to those I meet
Is it in a sense that I mature eventhough I act childish?
Could it be that I am just unsure of the state of myself?
Is it because I am too scared of the world around me,
 that I am afraid of those that would intend to hurt me?

I act as a shapeshifter in a sense that I can know no true self.
but in that sense, I mature a lot more than what you may consider myself as.
To some I may be childish, and to others, a bit harsh.
Does that not mean I can adapt?
Then what say you about the meaning of maturity?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Thanks to Daien for telling me about this

well will you look at that.
Dark Fatality has gone through a lot to get those stats.
a crazy shitload of bad players and good friends.
but everything slowly comes to an end.
as it seems I might just stop playing pretty damn soon.

to my dear League of Legends friends.


I entrust unto you guys something very important.
Patience and our Friendship
we used to enjoy this game. as a team.
but lately we have been taking it very seriously.
I cherish this friendship of ours.
because even though most of us never really met,we enjoyed playing. and talking about stuff
from music to other more game related things :P

I might play once in a while.
but my time will be severely limited.
Till later my cherished brothers.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hey, hey, will you look at that. Once more we live to see the day where we fast during the holy month of Ramadhan. It's the first day and I am celebrating my first day with mixed feelings.

Gonna be going to Indonesia, but the offer letter has not arrived.

Hmmpphhh. I only have a few more days before I can confirm whether I should take up UPU or otherwise.

On the bright side, I did get what I want which is physics, but to pass up an offer to do medicine is pretty much *idiotic* in a sense that, it is what I was intending to study since I was a small little brat.

Perhaps, just perhaps, as the days go by, I might finally be able to settle down once the answer pops right in front of me *and it better be quick >:C* *pretty please Allah?*

Well, I wish you all happy fasting during this holy month of ramadhan, and try to avoid sins :D *DEM DEVILS BE CHAINED YO* so you can't really blame anyone but yourself for not having the willpower, and for those of you who are non-muslims:
 I plead that you do not disrespect our religion, we all have different view and it wouldn't be nice to force our own opinions unto others, you wouldn't like that would you? :C 
also have a fun time buying stuff from le bazaars :D 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Works dull and life's a drag. Pfft cliché no? But that's kinda evident regardless of your views, so it's not up for debate >:D

Fortunately for me, i am blessed enough to be an uncle of 3, BLOODY CUTE girls :)

Now the first one is lil sofia,
Eldest of the three nieces.
A lil shy that i have to admit but heh she becomes a ruckus once she sets in.
Degil sangat ~.~ tapi baik saja :)

(do not mind that woman photobombing us :C)

The second one is emily !
This one is just inexplicably cute o.o
Everything she does WILL melt your heart. And she likes to follow whatever her sis does. Monkey see monkey do? Haha

And le third one is alayna. This one is a little cheeky. Haha. She crawled under the coffee table as stated by my sis in law. Pandai sorok2 sekarang kan :D

And that is why, boys and girls, is why i am happy enough to keep living. That and food. God, lovely food.

Want more berries??
Well screw that.
Take some potatoes.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Well its been a while since i wrote in a blog and i suppose i am a tad bit rusty.

No matter, i'll customize all this at a later time, haha.

Seems like imma write TONS of stuff but just not today. I guess writing a blog 1.30 in the morning aint really that... Well. I just aint inspired :p

Here are some berries till next time


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