Tuesday, July 24, 2012

my title says it all.
do you know what trust is?

What makes a weak man, weak?
A strong man, strong?
What is the definition of all these things we see in our world?
What makes a man fit to lead?
What makes a man fit to have a family?

What dawns upon yourselves as mature?
Or is it the fact that we show no hatred to this world, and accept it for what it is?
What does it really mean to be mature?

I consider myself a man of 1000 masks.
I don upon one every single time I meet someone new.
I don upon a mask that shifts itself in accordance to those I meet
Is it in a sense that I mature eventhough I act childish?
Could it be that I am just unsure of the state of myself?
Is it because I am too scared of the world around me,
 that I am afraid of those that would intend to hurt me?

I act as a shapeshifter in a sense that I can know no true self.
but in that sense, I mature a lot more than what you may consider myself as.
To some I may be childish, and to others, a bit harsh.
Does that not mean I can adapt?
Then what say you about the meaning of maturity?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Thanks to Daien for telling me about this

well will you look at that.
Dark Fatality has gone through a lot to get those stats.
a crazy shitload of bad players and good friends.
but everything slowly comes to an end.
as it seems I might just stop playing pretty damn soon.

to my dear League of Legends friends.


I entrust unto you guys something very important.
Patience and our Friendship
we used to enjoy this game. as a team.
but lately we have been taking it very seriously.
I cherish this friendship of ours.
because even though most of us never really met,we enjoyed playing. and talking about stuff
from music to other more game related things :P

I might play once in a while.
but my time will be severely limited.
Till later my cherished brothers.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hey, hey, will you look at that. Once more we live to see the day where we fast during the holy month of Ramadhan. It's the first day and I am celebrating my first day with mixed feelings.

Gonna be going to Indonesia, but the offer letter has not arrived.

Hmmpphhh. I only have a few more days before I can confirm whether I should take up UPU or otherwise.

On the bright side, I did get what I want which is physics, but to pass up an offer to do medicine is pretty much *idiotic* in a sense that, it is what I was intending to study since I was a small little brat.

Perhaps, just perhaps, as the days go by, I might finally be able to settle down once the answer pops right in front of me *and it better be quick >:C* *pretty please Allah?*

Well, I wish you all happy fasting during this holy month of ramadhan, and try to avoid sins :D *DEM DEVILS BE CHAINED YO* so you can't really blame anyone but yourself for not having the willpower, and for those of you who are non-muslims:
 I plead that you do not disrespect our religion, we all have different view and it wouldn't be nice to force our own opinions unto others, you wouldn't like that would you? :C 
also have a fun time buying stuff from le bazaars :D 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Works dull and life's a drag. Pfft cliché no? But that's kinda evident regardless of your views, so it's not up for debate >:D

Fortunately for me, i am blessed enough to be an uncle of 3, BLOODY CUTE girls :)

Now the first one is lil sofia,
Eldest of the three nieces.
A lil shy that i have to admit but heh she becomes a ruckus once she sets in.
Degil sangat ~.~ tapi baik saja :)

(do not mind that woman photobombing us :C)

The second one is emily !
This one is just inexplicably cute o.o
Everything she does WILL melt your heart. And she likes to follow whatever her sis does. Monkey see monkey do? Haha

And le third one is alayna. This one is a little cheeky. Haha. She crawled under the coffee table as stated by my sis in law. Pandai sorok2 sekarang kan :D

And that is why, boys and girls, is why i am happy enough to keep living. That and food. God, lovely food.

Want more berries??
Well screw that.
Take some potatoes.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Well its been a while since i wrote in a blog and i suppose i am a tad bit rusty.

No matter, i'll customize all this at a later time, haha.

Seems like imma write TONS of stuff but just not today. I guess writing a blog 1.30 in the morning aint really that... Well. I just aint inspired :p

Here are some berries till next time


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