Monday, March 4, 2013

Hey Guys.
Surprised I got another post soooooo fast?
I got some free time. deal with it
I suddenly had this sudden pang. sadness hitting me hard.
My family. For heavens sake I miss them.

My Father and Mother.
You have no idea how much they mean to me. In fact parents are a foundation regarding your personal development. They brought me up, corrected my mistakes and sharpened my skills. I still screw up but I guess if it weren't for them? I would have totally crashed.

What you see up there?
That is my brother right there. I know he looks WAAAY different. but blood is thicker than water. He is a reason as to why I was brought up around cars and tech.
Always loved it. Modified cars and what not.
And now, he is in UK with his lovely wife Kak RIna :D and they have a daughter <3
*cheeky one really but more on that later*
on an added note, my brother up there? he looks better with long hair ~_~'

Now that happy family? My sister and bro in law
A tough one she is ~_~
Went through a lot I guess. got a nasty temper :p but kind at heart :D
Did I tell ya my bro in law is an incredible cook .__.?
He can really improvise I can tell ya that.

Now this? My second brother, and of course little old me :D
Pretty much disappeared. and popped back up as a new man.
Also, this bugger is in UK as well =.='
I pray for the best my brother. If you ever read this. get married quickly yeah?
It's gonna be my turn after my studies. HAHAHA

And little old me is just sitting here. Pretty much listening to music and chilling.
May god ease my path and those around me.
And ease the path for my family.
Till later ;)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Quite possibly everyone knows this
Well hello there everyone
and welcome back :D

It's been a while I have to admit it. Exams are around the corner. They always seem to be around the corner for me =.='
but moving on,
I have been given loads of sudden responsibility which I hope Allah can carry me through.
He doesn't give unless He thinks I can handle it.

PKPMI = hubungan luar.
 Well was expecting that though I didn't ask for it. Immigration and all, I guess the deck was already stacked against me in the first place.

IPEM = English :D
Weeeee. for a minor grammar nazi like me (I for one prefer to call it a minor case because I am not even sure if my english is alright to begin with) this seems to be puuuurrrfeeeect :3

Going to be making the April edition of Malaysian Medical Writers here in Makassar and I gotta say it's a fun ride so far :)

Anyways just decided to rant on my blog since it has been more or less a month?
It ain't as active but perseverance is always welcome ain't it?
I haven't even been that active on FB now that I just realized it ~_~'

Wish me luck for my exams. In fact wish us all luck.
We all need a little bit of that once in a while,
but then again god gives and god takes, the best we can do is pray isn't it?

Now I will be going away again...

I'll be back soon enough

Sunday, February 17, 2013

I seem to get in trouble during the most 'appropriate' of times.

fever during reports
messed up what I said with people
heck even my lappy-toppy is emotional at me D;
and my phone blanked out after syncing.

thank you god. for making me a patient man
sometimes god tests us in different ways.
and my prayer to be a patient man is answered with test after test. after test.

and at times. I am a bit too childish. and I sigh at the moments when it would've been much better if I were to just sit still and keep my big mouth shut.
being that lone wolf type of guy ain't so bad eh?
I should give it a shot.

rantings of a lame novelist.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


What is wrong about that?

Anyway, it has been a while since my last blog post, but now I am back
been discovering myself slowly.
and how I interact with people
I seem to depict myself as all of the above.
*technically speaking they all have the same outcome*

But why would I say that? I seem to mix well with others... No?

I only open myself up to certain people
I may seem happy, yet the truth is.
I smile a sad smile.
I laugh a false laugh.
I act based on fabricated actions.

A forgery of a man. Based on laws and codes taken and amended by myself.

Know that I am absolutely fine.
I have friends I can trust.
People I can depend on at the very least.

And now I am about to face the new semester.
new challenges.
new possibilities.
new mistakes.
new outlook on life.

Here is to hoping that everything will move smoothly, InsyaAllah
In his plans I am who I am.
Be it pain or sorrow. He knows what is best for me.

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