Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hello one and all.
As I promised I would find pics and upload em in my blog.
Believe me, finding them from other people was hard :P
*siapa suruh tak ambil gambar banyak2*
Anyways the pics below are somewhat in a chronological order.
emphasizing on the, somewhat

My bros from MCKK.
Syafiq and Hilmi.
Thanks guys for sending me to these barren lands ~.~
A shot by my mom.
Just finished immigration
First hand look at the lecture hall.
Heh, these 3 stooges and me :D
what people here call PT or public transport *pe-te is the pronunciation*
Heh, still can't hope to fight Sunway Pyramid
The rusunawa.
This is where the guys get their rest.
Snappity Snappity
Some quality time with dad? :D
My room *and azam's* you jelly bro :D?
A better look at the room.
say what? queen sized beds?
Finally, sending my parents back to Malaysia.
Love you mom and dad :)

Well there you have it
Pics upon pics upon pics
Nothing much really but i'll try and find more pics
but I don't think I will :3

Till later then
May my time in Makassar be pleasant
And may your time wherever you are be just as good :D

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hey guys :D
well some of you guys might think this blog has died out.
Well it ain't entirely true

I have been busy actually and thus i have very limited time. thus be patient :C
besides I dont have any pics yet ;/
I will be keeping my promise, so no worries there. It's just gonna take a little longer than expected.

Anyways. Things in Makassar are just fine.
I got an awesome roomie, AND he is also from subang, well look at the chances :D
He also has plenty of talents which i was shocked to discover o.o
Don't you ladies want a guy that can bake and cook :D::D:D:D:D:D?

Line up girls. That guy on the left is still single ;)
*Awesome roomie \o/*

Had a bloody fine time eating out with the seniors.
Awesome neighbours
(Well in a sense they are awesome :P they don't disturb my sleeping time ~.~)
(Also kudos to Shahir for taking care of me when I was sick)

Also, we went out to a couple of the shopping complexes here in Makassar.
It ain't no Sunway Pyramid or Pavilion but heck, we are in another man's country, as long as the basics are covered, I ain't got nothing to complain :D
The internet here is also... well lets just say it was expected.
Thus going online frequently is kinda stressful.
Heck, i'll just consider it a good thing.
If the net was blazing fast I might just be burning up my studies as well =.='

AND. I pray that I won't be led astray ~.~
Studying medicine and all.
Guess i gotta change bit by bit and actually manage to study.

Till next time people.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

well it seems that i only have a SHOOOORT gap to write this entry.

everything seems just about fine in UNHAS sooo far.

I'll be uploading pics when I have the time :P
but it is good to know that the seniors are great. *well at least the one's we met*
and the facilities are bloody awesome. though the guys cant cook.
but hey. we have other pro's.

till later people :D

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